Coincident with the publication of the final homeopathic guidance, FDA denied the June 2020 Citizen Petition filed by Americans for Homeopathy Choice, which basically sought an FDA declaration that homeopathic drugs are generally recognized as safe and effective.

Hahnemann Labs supports Americans for Homeopathy Choice (AFHC), a non-profit consumer group which has become perhaps the most influential organization defending the homeopathic industry.

For up-to-date information on regulatory and enforcement issues that affect homeopathy, please sign up to be on the contact list for Americans for Homeopathy Choice. You will also have access to message the FDA, your Congress representative, or the Executive Branch as appropriate as public comment deadlines approach. Interested in being more proactive? Check out Americans for Homeopathy Choice to learn about the Homeopathy Action Team (HAT).

Americans for Homeopathy Choice.

* The uses for our products are based on traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.